Tart cherry juice for sleep dosage
Tart cherry juice for sleep dosage

tart cherry juice for sleep dosage

They were all sleeping, lights out, at 9:30pm, according to my husband. I have a night owl, she fights to go to bed. WEnt to bed at 9pm (I gave a TBS to all my kids 11-4 y.o. So when my DH woke me up at 5:30pm I was still groggy. On Thursday night, I took the same amount and stayed up until midnight. I slept all night without waking up at all. They didn’t have the concentrate, only cherry juice. The next day I ran to the health food store. And then toss and turn for an hour finally giving up and staying up for a couple of hours on the computer before going back to bed. My problem is I would sleep 3-4 hours and wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I had tried different things like taking melatonin and even magnesium which I take every night and does induce relaxation and sleepiness. Thank you so much for sharing this information. Skip to 4:00 to start right at the sleep tips and skip our history. Learn more in the above webinar about getting kids to sleep.

Tart cherry juice for sleep dosage skin#

I like to make this into gummies, they’re super easy to make, and the gelatin is good for their skin and gut :) See my Superhero Gummie Recipe here.

tart cherry juice for sleep dosage

I just give my kids a couple ounces in the morning or afternoon – for us we seem to see the benefits regardless of the time they drink it. I’ve added a little to smoothies as well. My kids are thrilled because we rarely buy juice. I’ve bought the juice pictured above, and I just added this tart cherry juice concentrate to my Amazon subscribe and save order to keep on hand. See the study here, showing the increase in sleep quality associated with taking tart cherry juice. I love it when there are placebo controlled studies for things that I try, and there are for this. I’m hooked! Real placebo controlled studies When they have the cherry juice I”m able to sneak downstairs and work, cook, clean, do laundry, and they still stay asleep until 6:30 or 7, so they’re able to get the rest they need to learn and play all day long. But I had given up getting up before the kids a couple years ago since no matter how early I got up, they woke up when they heard me get out of bed, no matter how quiet I tried to be. I love mornings, I’m a morning person and I’m most productive then.

tart cherry juice for sleep dosage tart cherry juice for sleep dosage

It worked great- The kids who had been consistently up with the sun no matter what time they had gone to bed (even after watching fireworks for the 4th!) have been sleeping til 7 or so. They didn’t think so, and they’ve been thrilled to have it daily since then, other than the times that we’ve run out. They wanted to know what ‘tart’ meant, I explained it was kind of sour. I saw this tart cherry juice on the shelf, checked quickly for other juices in it (the cheaper version had apple juice – you want 100% tart cherry), and then I gave about 2 ounces to my kids. Then a couple weeks ago I was in the grocery store with only one child (as opposed to 3 – when I do it with 3 I’m not reading labels or looking at anything except for exactly what is on my list). When do they wake up? (until now at 5:30-6 .) Is your baby sleeping through the night? (no), sleep training? (no again), when will they move out of your bed (I moved mine when I weaned them – around 2.5-3). Sleeping dominates many a mother’s group discussion.

Tart cherry juice for sleep dosage